Sunday, October 22, 2017

A program that is being used in the Peru Lima North Mission to invite others to come unto Christ is called the Open Chapel Program.  Leaders, members and missionaries work together in the wards to invite others to come to the chapels to learn more about our Savior.  Ruth and I were asked by our Mission President, Matthew Godfrey, to get this program started in our Mission.

The program starts out in the sacrament meeting chapel where the sister missionaries explain the purpose of the sacrament and where those attending hear the words of Christ about his mission. Beautiful, professional banners are used to teach and to invite the spirit.

Afterwards, we move to the cultural hall where the sister missionaries explain different teachings such as Christ's mission, the apostasy, the restoration through Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, modern prophets, and the importance of families and temples.

We then move to the baptismal font where the Elders talk about the importance of baptism and how Christ was baptized.

Then everyone goes to different rooms in the building to learn about what each organization does in the Church, like Family History, Young Men, Sunday School, Young Women, Relief Society, and the Primary.

The Open Chapel tour finishes with visitors filling out a referral card so that the missionaries can contact them and explain more about the Gospel.

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