Sunday, July 30, 2017

A source of food for the Peruvian people living in the jungle is  "grubs" called "suri" in Spanish.  Many Peruvians from the jungle areas migrate to the capital to find better work and other opportunities.  They also bring their food or have it delivered to local markets where they can buy it.  Our missionaries are curious individuals and wanted to try them out!

The missionaries are ready to eat them just as they are.  From left to right: Elder Schroeder, Elder Klein, Elder Caicedo, Elder Primo, Elder Parra and Elder Sánchez.

Elder Klein was the first and the rest followed reluctantly but bravely!  Yummy!  Missionaries never change.  Always ready for a good "dare you" experience.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Today, 16 July, is a religious holiday in Lima.  Faithful Catholics gather to honor the Virgin Mary from the religious order of the Carmelites.  The Virgin Mary is also the patron saint of the municipality in which we live, Los Molinos.  The procession started about 1:30 pm and came right by our apartment!  

The parton saint, Maria, is mounted on a wooden platform and carried by six women or men dressed in religious clothing.  They then walk very, very slowly down the street with a band playing music.

The band plays loud and lets the people down the street know that they will soon be marching by their place.

We got a big kick out of seeing the music clipped on the back of the person in front.  

Fireworks are part of the procession.  They lite the rockets that explode in the air ahead of the procession, and this also is a way to let the people know that the procession is coming their way.  They are loud.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

In the northern part of Lima where our Mission is located there is a  mountain range in which many, many members live.  There is no vegetation that grows on this mountain range.  It's very austere, harsh and barren, but the Peruvians build their homes, businesses and schools as far up as the mountain will allow them.  It's in this mountain range where we attend church and visit with members, investigators and friends.  There are a lot of hills and stairs  to climb.  There are no roads to the uppermost part but maybe some day the Peruvians will figure out how to build them!  It takes us about 25 minutes to get from the Mission Offices up to where our Ward is located and where we do our teaching and visiting.

Sunday, July 2, 2017